Got a device that needs servicing? Need new batteries? Have a device that needs upkeep?

We can help.

  • Image of a Low Vision Desktop Magnifier

    Electronic Magnifiers

    Chaos Technical Services can service or provide all manner of accessories or replacement parts for CCTVs (Electronic Digital Magnifiers) from all manufacturers including Enhanced Vision, Humanware, LVI, and HIMS.

  • Braille Devices

    We can also provide servicing on multiple different types of electronic and manual braille devices such as notetakers, braille displays, braille writers and braille teaching devices.

  • Braille Printers

    Braille printers are the workhorses of braille production and output, and we are able to provide quick turnaround on a wide variety of manufacturers of embossers.

  • Talking Book Players

    Digital DAISY book players such as the Plextalk and Humanware devices are also able to be serviced, and we can even provide new accessories such as power supplies, batteries, and replacement parts.

  • Communication Aids

    Communication Aids from companies such as PRC or Saltillo can also be serviced, configured, or upgraded.

  • Adapted Computer Systems

    Quite often, Assistive Technology software needs very specific computer specifications and configurations in order to work properly. Chaos Technical can provide both servicing, maintainance and configurations of such systems.

We service all types of Assistive Technology devices, along with maintenance and upkeep services. We also offer new batteries and upkeep services for a range of Assistive Technology in Public Libraries, Schools, and Government Agencies.

Repair rates are $90 per hour.

All our servicing comes with a 90 Day Warranty (unless otherwise provided).

We accept repairs from anywhere in Canada, and ship and accept shipments from Purolator.